Trouble maker Tropical Depression 9, out in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico wants to make a U-turn and head to Florida. It may be anywhere between Tampa and Tallahassee, by the end of they week.
Satellite View:
As of mid morning Tuesday, it keeps showing more of those red colors which represent plenty of heavy rain.
Its moving over very warm waters which should give it a chance to grow stronger. The morning forecast shows a land falling system near hurricane strength.
You'll also notice some wispy clouds moving clockwise on the west side of the system. This is shear, which should remain in place another 24-36 hours, and should keep it from growing any stronger.
Dry air is also near and should further assist in keeping it in check.
Where is it headed?
While models suggest it will get pushed back to Florida by an approaching from out of the north, it is presently on a westward path and moving slowly.
When and if it does get picked up by the front, it will make the turn and head for Florida.
Tampa Radar:
Kids in school in Southwest , Central Florida, or North Florida?
NWS is calling for plenty of rain which could lead to some flooding of low areas.
There will also be a tornado risk from late Wednesday through Thursday.
Please remind your children NOT to go surfing during this foul weather. A storm surge will accompany the system which can turn deadly.
This is the latest information from NWS regarding possible rain totals for the event.
What to prepare for:
If all the models pan out, Thursday through Friday appear to be when the system will cut across from the Gulf to the Atlantic. It should be accompanied by pockets of heavy rain and some gusty winds in the 60-70 mph range. How widespread any or all of this will be still depends on the storm.
This is forecast to be near hurricane strength at tine of landfall which means, tree limbs will come down tearing away at power lines, and causing outages. Common sense rules apply. Make sure they have some water and non refrigerated foods, flashlights, charged phones and laptops. Above all, tell them NOT to go outside until the all clear has been given.