Imagine if one of the Smithsonian museums in Washington, D.C. suddenly disappeared without a trace and all of its great treasures were gone. It would leave a huge question mark in the soul of our society.

That's what happened to Poland hundreds of years ago and only recently has Mother Nature intervened to help answer the question, "What happened?".
Let me take you to the heart of Poland and the Vistula river which sits right in the middle of the country. This is where everything is answered.
The worst drought to hit Poland's Vistula River has yielded the best archaeological treasure for the country.
The river is at an all time low, the lowest since they began keeping records in the late 1700's.
The water has dropped so much that it has revealed a National treasure missing for 350 years!
This includes marble artifacts and stonework that once belonged to Polish nobility.
This discovery helps answer a mystery that's been lingering for hundreds of years as to what happened to the royal treasures that were part of Warsaw's Royal Castle.
Most of the treasure which includes sculpted fountains, columns, and other marbles, was stolen during a conflict known as the "Swedish Deluge", taking place during the 17th century. The loot never made it to Sweden and thus the mystery was born. It turns out the vessel carrying the treasures sank while trying to head home.
The archaeological find has already yielded 12 tons of 17th century marble. But Mother Nature may fight back. It appears recent rains are slowly rising the water levels... archaeologists will have to move fast or their hopes for rescuing all the treasures will be sunk. (Sorry!)